Alert Admission

Carrier Counseling Cell

Career Counseling is a life long process since the individual choose an occupation, prepare for it, and make progress in it. Career Counseling has to do with knowing their interest, selection of industry and job role, formation of their industrial skills and make them progress in those areas and activities and attain the ultimate aim of getting good career as per their capabilities. It is concerned primarily with helping the individual to make decisions and choices involved in planning for future career. According to us Career counseling is a personalized process that combines both intuitive and cognitive techniques to help to understand oneself, explore career options, and clarify and attain desired career goals. The processes of career counseling offer SWOT analysis, insight into feasible career options, guidance and support to help students to understand and manage different career, professionalism and lifestyle issues.

Objectives of career counseling:

1 .SWOT analysis of each individual

2. Goal Setting and Career Track Setting to achieve the Goal

3. Facilitating multi skill ability in line to industry requirements

4. Guidance for multiple career avenues

5. Counseling for EQ and IQ treatment

Steps of Career counseling in AIET

1. Students from the 1st year itself are counseled at Self Development & Placement (SD & P) cell.

2. SD & P assigns each student depending on his career choice under a professor of the relative department.

3.The department and the staff organize Technical interviews and the respective counseling.

4.The SD & P cell in the mean time does Personal Interviews and the process continues.

Each observation by the SD & P cell or by the faculty is recorded for future reviews as and when required.