Sports & games and other extra-curricular activities, the part of life are
always encouraged by the Institution. The Institution has its own Physical
Education Teacher who personally takes care of students for training and
coaching the students for various sports and games. However the responsibility
of promoting such sports, games and extracurricular activities are assigned
among the faculty members.
They intimate the students, help them to prepare teams for the participation,
and look after every problem faced by the students and encourage them to
participate. Every year, the Institution observes Annual Sports and cultural
meets. The Institution gives due publicity by announcing the events in all the
classes and by putting up in all the notice boards. Also the Institution
encourages the students for participation in inter collegiate and state level
competitions by providing participation fees, conveyance and other expenses.
The Institution has excellent outdoor and indoor sports facilities like cricket, football, Table Tennis, Badminton, Basket ball, Volley ball, carom, chess etc. The Institution boasts of a well equipped central Gym, besides a dedicated mini Gym in the girl’s hostel. The Institution has also Yoga centre where yoga classes are conducted by the trained Yoga Instructor.