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Moocs courses

AIET has a local chapter in Swayam –NPTEL MOOCs courses promoting students, faculties to take up various MOOCs courses. The Following steps has been taken

  1. SPOC/College profile is updated in SPOC login
  2. We have taken copies of NPTEL contain in 12TB Harddisk from IIT, Kharagpur and taken free access to students in Digital Library.
  3. Helps students and faculties to enroll the courses
  4. Identify mentors from faculties and add them as a mentor for NPTEL courses.5. Ensure that the candidate are submitting assignments well before the dead line
  5. Ensure that the candidate are submitting assignments well before the dead line
  6. Help candidates during exam registration
  7. Ensure that exam fees are paid on time
  8. Download Hall Tickets for candidate
  9. Awarding students and staff for highest number of courses taken and passed