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M.Tech(Master of Technology)

PEO & PO for M.Tech. (Structural Engg.):

  • To give a broad exposure of advanced Structural Analysis, Structural Dynamics, allied theory in elasticity and plasticity, FEM etc.
  • To impart training to the students in behavior and design of Advanced RC structures, behavior and design of Advanced Steel structure, latest procedures in earthquake resistant design practices and earthquake resistant design philosophies.
  • To give a broad exposure of latest design codes, current national and international scenario on Structural Engineering and to motivate them in interdisciplinary involvement in problems related to Structural Engineering.
  • To expose the students to undertake research related to Structural Engineering in future.


  • Graduates will be able to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of Structural Engineering and can apply that knowledge to real problems.
  • Graduates will gain knowledge and skill in integrating Structural engineering concepts across multiple disciplines.
  • Graduates will have the ability to employ technical knowledge and leadership skills to Structural Engineering research, innovation and consultancy problems.
  • Graduates will be able to identify and analyze the impact of Structural Engineering in development project and find a suitable solution from number of alternatives.
  • Graduates will develop confidence in Structural analysis and management with high ethical value towards social, environmental and economic issues.
  • Graduates will develop the spirit of working in team for common objectives..
  • Graduates of the program will develop interest to pursue higher studies and research.

Graduate Attributes (GAs):

  • Mastering of in-depth knowledge
  • Critical analyzing
  • Problem solving
  • Research and innovation skill
  • Usage of modern tools
  • Collaborative and multidisciplinary work
  • Project management and finance
  • Communication
  • Lifelong learning and ethical practices
  • Social responsibility

Postgraduate Programmes

M.Tech (Civil) Intake capacity
Structural engineering 30 Seats
Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) 30 Seats
Mechanical Engineering (MECH) 30 Seats
Electrical Engineering (EE) 30 Seats