Alert Admission

Message from Principal's Desk


Prof. (Dr.) Bimal Sarangi

It is my pleasure to extend a warm welcome to Aryan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar, a premier and leading technical institute of Odisha, in East India established in 2009 by a well-qualified professional.

In a span of 15 years, AIET has come a long way and made its impact felt not only in the state but also in the country and abroad. The students excel at national and global levels.

Six undergraduate programs, three postgraduate programs, and five diploma programs are conducted at AIET. Beyond regular academics, need-based research activities are conducted regularly. Utmost care is taken to impart education in a disciplined way to achieve coveted educational objectives, matching with PO, PSO, and CO regulated through Bloom’s Taxonomy.

As per the NEP-2020, live skill training, EDP has been germinated by the cooperation of Professors in Practice and Experts in different skill sets.

The students are provided with all possible support for co-curricular and extracurricular activities. They showcase their talents in the annual college week, annual technical, cultural, and literary competitions. The students get motivated to become socially responsible involving in flood relief, blood donation, cleanliness drives, etc., every year. They are also encouraged to take part in available facilities such as NCC, NSS, etc. Students are encouraged to take part in activities in the line of Make in India, Skill India, Digital India, Start-up India initiatives. It is worthwhile to mention that the students of JEC ARE CAPABLE TO perform in these activities. JEC feels proud that an ex-student of AIET has become competent at all levels.

As regards to other facilities, AIET has uninterrupted power supply, Wi-Fi in college buildings, uninterrupted internet facilities, Training and Placement cell, well-equipped laboratories, and workshops.

I feel proud to acknowledge the contributions of qualified faculty in building the career of the students. They are always ready to move ahead continuously for producing and maintaining the best. They always give emphasis on the learning-teaching process based on motivating factors.

In the truest sense, "Hard Work, Dedication, and Professional Ethics will only help us all in transforming the potential of our students into human resources."